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How are the turkeys raised?Our turkeys are raised on pasture. They have unlimited access to grass, fresh air and sunshine. The turkeys spend their days free roaming their pasture. We move their perimeter fencing every week to ensure they have a new supply of grass and bugs to snack on. They naturally roost at night, so we lock them in to reduce loss from predators. Their roost is moved daily to help keep it clean. They are turned out to pasture each and every morning. This allows us to be very hands-on with the turkeys, paying careful attention to each one.
How do I place an order?Orders can be placed by filling out the reservation form here. Reservations require a $50 deposit that will be applied to your order total at pick-up.
When will turkeys be ready to pick-up?Turkeys will be available to pick-up on the farm a few days before Thanksgiving.
What size should I order?We suggest 1.5 pounds per person.
Will turkeys be ready to go in the oven?Yes. We sell our turkeys fresh, not frozen. They will be bagged ready to go straight to the refrigerator until the big day.

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